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Command Line Tools


Benerator expects a descriptor file name as the only command line parameter, e.g. on Windows systems

benerator test.ben.xml

or, on Unix and Mac OS X systems,

benerator test.ben.xml

You can change default behavior by Java VM parameters, e.g.

benerator.bat -Dfile.encoding=iso-8859-1"C:\temp" test.ben.xml

Validation can be turned off from the command line alternatively using a VM parameter:

mvn benerator:generate -Dbenerator.validate=false


benerator myproject.ben.xml -Dbenerator.validate=false

DB Snapshot Tool

The DbSnaphotTool creates a snapshot of a full database schema and stores it in a DbUnit XML file. It is invoked from the command line in Windows by calling

snapshot [VM-params] export-filename.dbunit.xml

or, on Unix and Mac OS X systems,

sh snapshot [VM-params] export-filename.dbunit.xml

If the export filename is left out, the snapshot will be stored in a file called snapshot.dbunit.xml.

You need the following VM parameters to configure database access. Use them like -Ddb.user=me:

Parameter Description
dbUrl The JDBC URL of the database
dbDriver The JDBC driver class name
dbUser user name
dbPassword user password
dbSchema Name of the schema to extract (defaults to the user name)

XML Creator

The XMLCreator reads a XML Schema file and creates a number of XML files that comply to the schema. It can read XML annotations which provide benerator configuration in the XML schema file. It is invoked from the command line and has the following parameter order:

createxml <schemaUri> <root-element> <filename-pattern> <file-count> [<properties file name(s)>]

Their meaning is as follows:

  • schemaUri: the location (typically file name) of the XML schema file

  • root-element: the XML element of the schema file that should be used as root of the generated XML file(s)

  • filename-pattern: the naming pattern to use for the generated XML files. It has the form of a java.text.MessageFormat pattern and takes the number of the generated file as parameter {0}.

  • file-count: the number of XML files to generate

  • properties file name(s): an optional (space-separated) list of properties files to include in the generation process

Under Windows, an example call would be:

createxml myschema.xsd product-list products-{0}.xml 10000

or, on Unix and Mac OS X systems,

sh myschema.xsd product-list products-{0}.xml 10000

for generation 10,000 XML files that comply to the XML Schema definition in file myschema.xsd and have product-list as root element. The files will be named products-1.xml, products-2.xml, products-3.xml, ...